Your story. Our narrative. Carefully curated.
From luxury condominium residences to pristine townhouses in Brooklyn’s historic neighborhoods and the diamonds-in-the-rough in the next emerging neighborhood of New York City, Ideal exclusively markets and represents a choice variety of new and re-positioned developments, throughout all markets of New York City.
Our marketing and branding approach is guided by our belief in the transforming power of the triad of knowledge, experience and design. Our prolific New Development team employs effective, tailor-made brand-building strategies to roll out compelling campaigns, with narratives and impact rooted in unmatched market intelligence. With each segment effortlessly scaled to precisely fit your project’s demands, Ideal is home to talented, industrious, and productive teams of designers, architects, market researchers, programmers, copywriters, photographers, videographers and stagers collaborating on every stage of the development process. This powerful, innovative engine backs our 300+ seasoned sales and rental agents in closing on tens of thousands of listings.
Ever increasing user engagement, Ideal Properties Group’s Project Management team has developed and continually deploys proprietary tools, capable of delivering the right message at the right time throughout the project lifecycle.